by Mark Medlicott | Wednesday, October 18, 2023 | Draws
Please note that for JAB A & B1 Grades who are already started, if due to the long weekend and a shortage of numbers, or maybe because of the All Blacks game, matches can be played at a later start if there is no afternoon cricket on your pitch, or another day if...
by Scoop | Tuesday, November 13, 2018 | Draws
The Thursday night T20 Social grade draw is online. Good luck to Geraldine, Pleasant Point, Temuka and Timaru. Enjoy the cricket and the chat after the game! Click here to view rules, draw and team contact details
by Scoop | Tuesday, October 23, 2018 | Coaching, Draws, General News, JAB News, Resources
There have been some major changes, and some tweaks to the various competitions this season, especially in Junior Cricket. For parents, coaches and supporters looking for these rules they can be found on the “Rules and Documents” page in the menu under...
by Scoop | Saturday, February 17, 2018 | Draws, General News, School Cricket
COLTS GRADE RULES – 2018 11 players aside 40 overs aside Max of two adults per team Only one adult may bat in top 5 of batting order A maximum of 10 overs can be bowled by the two adults combined 1 adult may only bowl 8 overs Adult batsmen must retire out at 50 When...
by Scoop | Thursday, February 15, 2018 | Draws
Below are this week’s cricket draws. Please check as are not in paper. Thursday 15th Feb, Senior T20 Final, 5.30pm Temuka v Timaru Friday 16th Feb JAB C Grade 3.45pm Temuka v Waihi Patriots, Opihi College Artificial Timaru v Geraldine Red, Ashbury 4 Pleasant...