The new cricket season will be beginning in most afternoon grades on October 10th, and team entries are all in and we expect the draw to be online here on the website for you to check sometime this weekend (3rd/4th Oct).

Results & Points

More info will be added as it becomes available, but special attention must be made to getting your results in by the Tuesday following your match else no points will be allocated – NO EXCEPTIONS. Please check your green book for more or you can download it here online from the Documents Section, but basically the rules now state the following;

Primarily these rules state that if you have not submitted your results to the office by the Tuesday following your match, no points will be given to your team. Points will normally be updated online here on the Wednesday, and you have two days until Friday of the same week to check, correct or dispute the points allocated.

* Points WILL NOT be changed after the Friday following a match.

*** Rules:
Primarily these rules state that if you have not submitted your results to the office by the Tuesday following your match, no points will be given to your team. Points will be generally be updated here on the Wednesday, and you have two days until Friday of the same week to check, correct or dispute the points allocated.
* Points WILL NOT be changed after the Friday following a match.